About Us

What is InsuranceQuoteLink.com?

InsuranceQuoteLink.com is based in the Western Suburbs of Chicago and specializes in providing up to date information on insurance related topics and in providing free, no obligation insurance quotes for all different types of insurance. Unlike many other online quoting websites that are actually owned by independent insurance agencies, InsuranceQuoteLink.com is a standalone company that exists solely for the purpose of helping people get the lowest possible quote for insurance. Within that framework, we are able to provide insurance quotes from a much wider selection of insurance companies since we are not limited to only those companies whose insurance we are licensed to sell.

InsuranceQuoteLink.com was designed from the ground up to provide the best possible experience for someone looking to save money on insurance. For the majority of our quote requests, we give the user the option of either reviewing the insurance companies and contacting them directly, or filling out a simple request form and having insurance companies contact them instead. More and more consumers are finding our website everyday and love the fact they can receive free, no obligation quotes 24 hours a day that almost always result in significant savings.

We offer insurance quotes to those looking for the following types of insurance:

No matter what type of insurance our customers are looking for, we promise to always provide one of the easiest online methods available to get an insurance quote.